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Lasting Powers of Attorney Mental Capacity Assessment


"Empowering Your Future: Granting and Revoking Lasting Powers of Attorney"

It's reassuring to know that if you're unable to make key decisions for yourself in the future, you can choose someone you trust to make them for you, such as a family member or close friend.

Making a lasting power of attorney will ensure that the person you've chosen will legally be able to make decisions on your behalf. You can choose more than one person, including how they should work together. There are two kinds of lasting power of attorney: Lasting Power of Attorney for Property and Finance, and Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare. At Nellie Supports, we offer expert guidance on creating lasting powers of attorney, allowing you to designate a trusted individual to act on your behalf when needed. We will walk you through the process and explain the two main types of lasting powers of attorney: Property and Finance, and Health and Welfare.

Moreover, we understand that circumstances may change, and you might need to revise your choices in the future. If the time comes when you wish to alter or revoke a lasting power of attorney, we are here to assist you in navigating this process with ease and clarity.

Prioritising your autonomy and peace of mind, our team at Nellie Supports is here to guide you through the journey of granting and revoking lasting powers of attorney. Ensure that your future decisions are in safe and trusted hands with our professional assistance.

Why is a mental capacity assessment needed for Lasting Power of Attorney Decisions?

A mental capacity assessment is essential for Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) decisions to ensure that the individual, known as the donor, has the necessary cognitive ability to understand the purpose and implications of the document. This assessment helps confirm that the donor can make informed decisions about appointing an attorney to act on their behalf in financial or health matters.

The LPA grants significant authority to the chosen attorney, allowing them to make important decisions on behalf of the donor when they may no longer have the capacity to do so themselves. It is crucial to ascertain that the donor comprehends the significance of this legal arrangement and fully understands the scope and impact of their decisions.

The assessment is designed to safeguard the rights and interests of the donor, as well as to prevent any potential abuse or coercion. By confirming the donor's mental capacity, the assessment ensures that they are making the LPA decisions willingly and without undue influence from others.

Moreover, if there is any doubt about the individual's capacity to make the LPA decisions, a full and formal assessment should be completed to address these concerns thoroughly. This helps to provide clarity and confidence in the decision-making process and ensures that the donor's wishes are respected and upheld.


A mental capacity assessment for Lasting Power of Attorney decisions is a crucial step to protect the donor's interests, confirm their ability to make informed choices, and ensure that the process is conducted fairly and ethically. It serves as a vital safeguard to empower individuals to appoint attorneys who will act in their best interests and in line with their wishes in the event they are no longer able to make decisions themselves.

A couple holding hands

Our Compassionate Lasting Power of Attorney Capacity Assessment Process

At Nellie Supports, our assessment process for Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) capacity is thorough, compassionate, and tailored to the unique needs of each individual. We understand the importance of this decision and strive to ensure that the donor's rights and wishes are respected throughout the process. 

Our experienced Social Workers conduct an in-depth mental capacity assessment to determine the donor's cognitive abilities and understanding of the LPA's purpose and implications. This assessment involves open and friendly conversations, where we engage with the donor to assess their comprehension, decision-making capacity, and ability to express their wishes clearly.

For LPAs involving both financial and health and welfare decisions, we conduct separate assessments for each decision type. We ensure that the donor's capacity is evaluated specifically for each area, as these decisions are distinct and require individual scrutiny.

Throughout the assessment, we create a warm and understanding atmosphere, prioritizing the comfort and ease of the donor. We recognize that LPA decisions can be sensitive and emotional, and we are here to listen to their concerns with a caring ear.

ur assessments adhere to the guidelines and requirements set forth by the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG). We ensure that the assessment process is legally sound and meets all necessary standards. After completing the assessment, we provide a comprehensive report that outlines the findings of the assessment, confirming the donor's capacity to make LPA decisions. This report can be used as valuable evidence in the LPA application process.

We are here to support the donor and their loved ones throughout the entire process. If needed, we can provide further guidance and assistance through our Social Work case management service, Nellie+

At Nellie Supports, our goal is to empower individuals to make informed choices and ensure their wishes are respected in the event they are no longer able to make decisions independently. Our compassionate and professional assessment process provides peace of mind to donors and their families, knowing that the LPA decisions are made with their best interests at heart.

A couple smiling


Empowering Autonomy: A Case Study on Lasting Power of Attorney Capacity Assessment for Mr. Shah

When Mrs. Shah contacted us regarding her husband's recent dementia diagnosis, she was faced with important decisions about his future care and well-being. Her solicitor had advised her to consider applying for a deputyship order (COP3) from the court of protection, suggesting that her husband might lack the necessary mental capacity to make significant decisions on his own.

However, Mrs. Shah believed in her husband's ability to understand and make choices about his affairs. She was convinced that he could grant lasting power of attorney for finances, allowing him to appoint trusted individuals to act on his behalf if needed.

In response to her concerns, our compassionate and experienced Social Worker promptly visited Mr. Shah at his home. Understanding the sensitive nature of the situation, our Social Worker explained the specifics of a lasting power of attorney for finances in clear and simple terms. The focus was on ensuring that Mr. Shah fully comprehended the implications and responsibilities involved in granting such authority.

Throughout the mental capacity assessment, Mr. Shah remained clear and articulate about his preferences. He expressed his unequivocal desire for his wife and son to act as his attorneys, knowing they would make decisions in his best interest. He also acknowledged the existence of his daughter living in America but acknowledged the practical challenges of her providing direct support.

Despite his dementia diagnosis, Mr. Shah exhibited remarkable understanding and awareness during the assessment. He was able to provide evidence of his grasp of the essential information required for granting lasting power of attorney. This gave Mrs. Shah the confidence she needed to proceed.

Our Social Worker promptly informed Mr. Shah's solicitor about the assessment results, confirming that Mr. Shah indeed had sufficient mental capacity to grant lasting power of attorney for finances. With the assurance provided by the assessment report, the solicitor prepared the necessary documents, setting the legal process in motion.

To complete the process, our Social Worker conducted a second visit, acting as the certificate provider for Mr. Shah's lasting power of attorney. This additional step ensured that all legal requirements were met, and Mr. Shah's autonomy and decision-making authority were appropriately recognised.

In the end, this comprehensive and caring approach allowed Mr. Shah to maintain control over his financial matters and appoint those he trusted most. The lasting power of attorney provided him with a sense of security and assurance for the future, knowing that his loved ones would act in his best interests.

At Nellie Supports, we believe in empowering individuals to make crucial decisions about their lives. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing compassionate and professional capacity assessments to safeguard the rights and autonomy of those we serve. If you or a loved one require similar support or guidance, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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Experience peace of mind with our comprehensive social work services at Nellie Supports. Our team of registered professionals, including qualified and experienced Social Workers, is dedicated to providing exceptional care and support. From mental capacity assessments to a wide range of social work services, our experts ensure accurate evaluations, personalised guidance, and the highest standards of practice. Trust in our registered professionals for a reassuring and trusted partnership on your care journey, backed by their expertise in both social work services and mental capacity assessments.

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Mental Capacity Assessment for Granting Lasting Power of Attorney:

A mental capacity assessment is required to grant Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). Separate assessments and reports are needed for LPA Finance and LPA Health and Welfare, as they involve distinct decisions. The assessment ensures the donor's capacity to comprehend the purpose and implications of the document, safeguarding their rights and confirming informed decision-making. For LPA Finance, the focus is on financial matters, while LPA Health and Welfare involve personal welfare and health-related decisions. This tailored approach empowers donors to appoint attorneys who will act in line with their wishes in each specific area.

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Mental Capacity Assessment to Revoke Lasting Power of Attorney:

An assessment to revoke Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is needed when the donor wishes to terminate the authority granted to their attorney(s). This assessment is essential to confirm that the donor has the mental capacity to understand the implications of revoking the LPA and is making this decision voluntarily. It ensures that the donor's rights and wishes are respected and that the revocation process is legally valid. This assessment protects vulnerable individuals from potential abuse or misuse of the LPA and allows them to exercise their autonomy in managing their affairs.

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Our Certificate Provider service is suitable when there are no concerns regarding the donor's capacity but needs a Certificate Provider to confirm their understanding of the document's purpose, scope, and implications. The Certificate Provider's role is to verify the donor's understanding to make the LPA and ensure that the decision is made willingly and without undue influence. It offers a streamlined process for individuals who have already arranged for the preparation and registration of the LPA.

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