In matters of capacity, one size does not fit all. The Mental Capacity Act (2005) emphasises the importance of decision-specific assessments, recognising that an individual's ability to make one decision may differ from their capacity to make another. At Nellie Supports, we prioritize self-determination and offer Decision specific mental capacity assessments, ensuring every opportunity for individuals to exercise their autonomy.
The Legal Perspective
According to the Mental Capacity Act (2005), capacity assessments should focus on the specific decision at hand, rather than generalizing across a range of decisions. This means that the evaluation must be tailored to the particular decision that needs to be made at a given time.
What to Expect
Our comprehensive Decision Specific Assessments take approximately an hour and are conducted by friendly and experienced social workers who prioritize your comfort and ease throughout the process. As accredited mental capacity assessors, you can trust that you are in good hands.
Assessment Inclusions
Our assessments encompass all necessary aspects, whether conducted face-to-face or via secure video link. We provide a detailed report alongside the assessment to ensure clarity and understanding. In certain cases, our social workers may conduct additional assessments, such as a Montreal cognitive assessment or a financial decision tracker, to strengthen their comprehensive reports at no extra cost.
The Range of Decisions We Can Assess
At Nellie Supports, we specialize in assessing individuals for a wide array of decisions, ensuring that capacity concerns are addressed appropriately. Whether it's assessing the capacity to marry or divorce, choosing a place of residence, creating or acting as a trustee, or any other decision of concern, our experienced assessors are equipped to support you.
The Qualified Assessor
Complex or significant decisions may necessitate seeking a professional opinion. Our assessors are impartial, qualified professionals with expertise in the relevant assessment protocols. This includes doctors, nurses, and social workers. Rest assured that your decision-specific assessment will be handled with precision and care. At Nellie Supports, we believe in empowering individuals to exercise their autonomy and make informed decisions. Our Decision Specific Assessments are designed to uphold this principle, ensuring that capacity evaluations are tailored to the specific decisions at hand. Whether it's a significant life choice or a day-to-day decision, our team is here to provide the support and assurance you need. Don't hesitate to seek the clarity you deserve; reach out to us today to schedule your Decision Specific Assessment.
For more information please contact Nellie Supports