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Step 3: Social Care Brokerage


"Empowering Your Care Choices: Personalised Brokerage Service"

Welcome to Nellie Supports' Personalised Brokerage Service, where we put you at the heart of your care decisions. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to ensure that your unique needs and preferences are met by connecting you with the right care providers. We understand that finding the perfect care can be a daunting task, but with our research-based approach and commitment to individualised support, we make the process seamless. Explore how our brokerage service empowers you to take charge of your care journey.

Our team of experienced care professionals doesn't just connect you with any care provider; we ensure you're matched with the one that's right for you. Our brokerage process is rooted in research and expertise, backed by a deep understanding of the care landscape. Whether it's home care, assisted living, or any other care arrangement, our professionals are committed to finding the perfect fit.

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When would care brokerage be neccessary?

Navigating the complex landscape of care services can be a daunting task, often requiring professional guidance and support. At Nellie Supports, we recognise that there are various scenarios where the expertise of a care broker becomes invaluable. Here are some situations when enlisting the services of a care broker is not only beneficial but often necessary:

2. Legal and Litigation Purposes

In legal proceedings such as divorce cases or personal injury litigation, the courts may require detailed costings of current and future care services. Care brokers play a pivotal role in providing expert assessments and cost estimations, contributing to the fair resolution of these legal matters. Our professionals are well-versed in these processes, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the information presented in court.

3. Challenging Local Authority Funding

There are instances when individuals or their families may have concerns that the personal budget provided by the local authority is insufficient to cover the required care services adequately. Care brokers step in as advocates, working diligently to challenge and negotiate with local authorities to secure the necessary funding to meet your care needs. We are committed to ensuring you receive the care you deserve.

Case Study: Beatrice's Journey to Tailored Care

 Beatrice, a 72-year-old woman, was living with a diagnosis of moderate Alzheimer's disease, which had started to significantly impact her daily life. Her family was deeply concerned about her well-being as her memory loss and confusion were progressing, making it unsafe for her to manage her daily activities alone.


Beatrice's family faced the daunting task of finding the right care solution for her. The abundance of care options available overwhelmed them, leaving them unsure about the best course of action to ensure Beatrice's safety and well-being.


 Nellie Supports stepped in to provide our comprehensive brokerage service. Our Social Worker initiated a thorough assessment of Beatrice's needs. Our Social Worker considered Beatrice's medical condition, personal preferences, and the family's concerns, ensuring that Beatrice's voice was heard throughout the process.


Our Social Worker conducted an in-depth assessment to understand Beatrice's care needs, encompassing both physical and emotional requirements. This assessment served as the foundation for the subsequent care plan.


Armed with a profound understanding of Beatrice's needs, Our Social Worker meticulously researched and identified a selection of care providers in the local area. She scrutinised factors such as their expertise in Alzheimer's care, staff qualifications, and the quality of care they delivered.


Our Social Worker presented the family with a carefully curated list of potential care providers. Together, they meticulously evaluated each option, weighing aspects like cost, location, and the range of services offered. After thoughtful deliberation, a care provider was chosen.

Even after the care provider was engaged, Our Social Worker continued to closely monitor Beatrice's care. Regular check-ins with both the family and the care team ensured that Beatrice's evolving needs were consistently met. Any necessary adjustments were made promptly.


Thanks to Nellie Supports' brokerage service, Beatrice received personalised care that significantly enhanced her quality of life. The selected care provider specialised in Alzheimer's care, ensuring that Beatrice's unique needs were not just understood but expertly met. Beatrice's family found comfort knowing that she was under the care of capable and compassionate professionals. Our Social Worker's continuous support and advocacy ensured that Beatrice's care plan adapted seamlessly to her changing requirements.


Beatrice's journey serves as a compelling testament to the invaluable role of professional brokerage services within the complex realm of care. Nellie Supports' dedicated Social Workers go above and beyond to identify, recommend, and facilitate the most suitable care solutions. Through these services, individuals like Beatrice receive the tailored care and support they need, vastly improving their quality of life and providing reassurance for their families.

Need to make an appointment regarding care brokeage?
Contact our team.

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Registered professionals giving you peace of mind 

Experience peace of mind with our comprehensive social work services at Nellie Supports. Our team of registered professionals, including qualified and experienced Social Workers, is dedicated to providing exceptional care and support. From mental capacity assessments to a wide range of social work services, our experts ensure accurate evaluations, personalised guidance, and the highest standards of practice. Trust in our registered professionals for a reassuring and trusted partnership on your care journey, backed by their expertise in both social work services and mental capacity assessments.

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